
Steve Jobs Admits Problems with iPhone V4.

Steve Jobs gave a video interview today with Sky News that admits that not all their products are perfect. This of course is all about the iPhone4. Apple have sold 3 million units in 22 days – which is a million a week.

Steve refers to the problem with iPhone 4 as ‘Antenna-Gate’. Apple have now said they’ll issue rubber iphone covers to anyone having a problem, or they can have their money back if they prefer.

The price gap between Apple smartphones and HTC Android phone is huge. A second hand iPhone 3G costs £250 from eBay, but a comparable and equally functional HTC G1 can be had for less than £100. Apple have a huge cash-cow franchise with the iPhone G4, and good luck to them, they deserve it all.

Just remember Steve J, it’s Woz that helped put you where you are today…

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