
Barack Obama’s BlackBerry not hacked, ever.

The Times has an interesting article today about Barack Obama’s Blackberry.

Apparently the president of the free world loves his Blackberry, but those sneaky spooks at the Langley puzzle-palace have been unhappy about his Blackberry’s security since he became president (I bet they paid very close attention to it before he won the election, funny some people aren’t they).

For the past few months he’d been using a Windows-based Sectera Edge Smartphone, which costs $3500 & is practically indestructable – it’s also fully NSA approved… Apparently the user can switch between secure & non-secure mode at the push of a button, but why do that? Surely that leaves room for user error? ‘Nuke Tehran now, oh shit I thought I was in secure mode’…

Anyway, the free world can sleep much easier now as Obama has taken delivery of a Blackberry 8830 international model (a snip at just $550 off contract). It comes with custom software from Genesis Key Inc that encrypts everything. This souped-up model has been dubbed the ‘BarackBerry’, and thoughtfully it’s been decided that his close family will also be given them.

Incredibly, El Presidente may have to wait up to 50 minutes for his push-emails to arrive at the BarackBerry – as the NSA will be scanning them for malware! (Like it really takes more than a few seconds to do this).

I suppose we should be grateful that the new president at least has opposable thumbs & a functioning pre-frontal cortex… (Even I  don’t read kids’ books upside down, so why should George Bush get away with it? Hillbilly.)

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